
"Art, a benevolent device procured to provoke an enigmatic action relevant to escaping once benighted reality."

Friday, May 11, 2012

Valley of Love

with thy stranger in this valley of love;
we know nothing when it started
      and where the edge will be found.

from thy mem’ries, but we’ve already escaped;
we hold each other’s heart and mind
      to consume the eterne time,
      with this intimacy we couldn’t e’er forget.

with thy stanger who changed my plans;
and now, if the world seems to blur,
      I’d rather to behoove thy loving arms.

sometimes could lead us to separate the walk;
but in fine of ev’ry misunderstanding,
      we could still foresee those chances
      to meet our hearts and minds at the same road.

as we crossed thy rivers and climbed thy peaks;
and tears, and smiles defined ev’ry chapter
      where this valley that we would take.

thyselves away from the woods, full of dangers;
thine eyes, was once puzzled,
      becometh our ways to be unknown:
      but still we promised, no promises shall be withered.

might be benighted, thus, ne’er enough;
as long as we stand still
      with thy hearts and thy minds,
        we’d be together walking through this valley of love.

Copyright *Jelord Klinn Cabresos @2012

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